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What is a Grumblie:

Grumblies Live Secretly Hidden from Mankind. Short-Tempered and Mischievous, Bands of Grumblies Create Supernatural Chaos, Such as Earthquakes, Volcanos, and Supernatural Chaos! 


Some Have Tried to Separate and Tame Them but be Warned…Messing with Grumblies Could Lead to an Epic




Tremor is a Mean Green Shaking Machine From Where Boulders are Plenty and Plants are Lean.  But his Bark is Worse Than his Bite.  His Rumblings, Seismic Action is a Disturbing Sight!


The Anti-Virtual Pet:

No Nurturing Here - Poke, Shake, Tilt and Roll Them


The More You Mess with Them the Angrier They Become

Level 1 = Agitated Sounds

Level 2 = Rumbling and Annoyed Sounds

Level 3 = Full Meltdown Mode with Complete 10 Seconds Tantrum (Out of Control Bouncing and Angry Sounds)


 More than 40 Different Reactions and Custom Sounds


Each Grumblie has his own Personality, Sounds & Design


Tons of Hidden Features and Sounds for Kids to Discover

Grumblies TREMOR

  • 4+

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