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The Ninja Control Shellraiser has two features: the remote driving and the ability to shoot discs out of the front. The driving functions work surprisingly well and the Ninja Control Shellraiser is faster than I was expecting. And once you've cornered the Foot Clan, a press of the red button on the remote will launch one of the dozen manhole cover discs from the front. The mechanism works well and launches the discs with more than enough force to knock down any villains that are in your way. The functions are not without issues though. The NC Shellraiser has only one speed. And the motor is strong enough that it tends to spin out for a moment when starting on the surfaces I tested it on. It has a massive turning radius making navigating in tight areas very difficult. The disc launcher works well. But it only starts running when you press the button to fire a disc, resulting in a delay of a second or two before the disc actually fires. There is no rapid firing option and hitting a target while on the move would take considerable practice. The biggest issues with the Ninja Control Shellraiser comes with the controls themselves. The controller itself feels a bit weird with one analog stick for the forward/reverse but a large button to control the steering. I don't understand why they didn't use a more traditional controller with two sticks. Heck, they could have just reused the one from the Sewer Spewer and saved some effort. I also have concerns about the battery life since it runs on just four AA batteries for the Shellraiser and another two AA batteries in the controller. I suspect it can drain those batteries quite quickly. But the biggest issue with the Ninja Control Shellraiser is that it uses an infrared signal instead of a radio frequency to transmit commands from the controller to the toy. That means that it only works when you can maintain line of sight between the emmiter on the top of the controller and the receiver mounted on the front top of the Shellraiser. Even just turning the controller away from the vehicle will cause it to stop. It is definitely a toy that is best used in a large open space. 


Ninja Control Shell Raiser

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